Fractalis is a range of luxury Italian finishes for architectural application in commercial and residential interiors and exteriors.

Fractalis has been specified and installed worldwide since 1991.

It is a liquid tool which adds layers of texture, color and pattern to walls. The joy of Fractalis is flexibility. It is exceptional in range and style.

From the authentic appeal of the Classic Collection which is deeply rooted in Italian artistic traditions, to the sleek and contemporary Metallic Collection and the edgy technology of the Innovation Collection. Fractalis adds bespoke beauty to the architectural canvas of your project.






Luxury Flight - Italy - Photonica

The man behind Fractalis is GianLuca Vernizzi.

Gianluca Vernizzi is the sole owner of registered Fractalis and Createlab brands and IP worldwide.

Born in Italy, educated in the UK and USA, fluent in Italian, English, French and Spanish, he effortlessly combines the worlds of art, design and business.

He is a lifelong enthusiast for developing an innovative approach to art, design and color.

He combines this sensibility with an entrepreneurial approach and a global outlook that has taken Fractalis from Europe to the Middle East, Russia, the USA and the Far East.

Vision and Design Philosophy

Being progressive means capturing the magic of our time and anticipating the unexpected, or better, the unrevealed. It’s a state of mind that leads to new horizons, a passion that influences our path and connects us to life.


Self portrait “Gianluca Who?”


“St. George and the Dragon”


“Mytrix 1.1” – created in 2015


GianLuca has a passion for painting and has collected art for over thirty years.

This love of art and his awareness of form, space, color and texture has driven the development of Fractalis as a flexible tool for creative designers and architects.

GianLuca has carefully nurtured the ongoing design and engineering of Fractalis based on the inspiration of nature, delivered through science. More than that, Fractalis is intensely flavoured with authentic Italian style, luxury and flair.


  • To define space through emotions and senses so that it feels alive, luxurious, comfortable and happy.
  • To invent products that constantly evolve with infinite color, texture and surface qualities.
  • To collaborate with leading architects, designers and color specialists to ensure Fractalis product choice is continuously evolving to meet your specific style requirements.
  • To be authentic to the Italian heritage of design, craftsmanship, visual beauty and luxury.
  • To ensure Fractalis products are safe and environmentally friendly, which means they are water based, minimal VOC and comply with stringent paint industry safety standards.

Get in touch

GianLuca works with leading architects, interior designers, inventors, paint companies and entrepreneurs.

Email him here to talk.